27/10/23 15:42
===================== THURSDAY 2nd =====================
14:00-15:30 welcome and lunch
-- Session 1: Norms and trust -----------
16:50-17:20 Coffee break --------
-- Session 2: Non-Monotonic Reasoning ----------
18:20-18:30 Break ------
-- Session 3: Applications ----------
===================== FRIDAY 3rd =====================
-- Session 4: Explanation using ASP ------------
11:20-11:50 Coffee break --------
-- Session 5: Explaining answer sets I ------------
12:50-13:15 Creation of working groups**
13:15-14:00 Parallel working groups meetings
14:00-15:30 Lunch break ------
-- Session 6: Learning ------------
16:30-17:00 Coffee break --------
-- Session 7: Explaining answer sets II ----------
18:20-18:30 Break ------
18:30-19:00 Working groups: summaries + reconfiguration
21:00 Informal dinner for whoever wants
===================== SATURDAY 4th =====================
-- Session 8: Knowledge and Belief ----------
11:20-11:50 Coffee break --------
-- Session 9: Argumentation ------------
12:50-13:00 Break ------
13:00-14:00 Parallel working groups meetings
14:00-15:30 Lunch break ------
15:30 - Afternoon free or social event
21:00 - Workshop Dinner
===================== SUNDAY 5th =====================
-- Session 10: Explaining answer sets III ------------
10:50-11:20 Zeynep G. Saribatur. Abstraction for Answer Set Programs and its Potential for Explainability
11:20-11:50 Final summary of working groups
11:50-12:10 Coffee break --------
-- Session 11: Adequacy of Logic for Reasoning and AI ----------
14:00 - 15:30 lunch and close.
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